South Bend Community School Corporation Debt
Total Outstanding Debt *** $89,689,266 ***
Carrying so much debt they will have to pay $ 16,175,766 this year in debt service.
Only $ 1,570,168 goes towards principal
$ 633,373 goes towards interest
$ 13,409,000 goes towards leases
$ 563,225 goes to Textbook Reimbursements
Proper financial management would keep Debt amounts low so the funds could go towards other things.
Would you have liked this amount to go towards teacher salaries instead?
Link to Debt Report
Source: as of 5/31/2020
Carrying so much debt they will have to pay $ 16,175,766 this year in debt service.
Only $ 1,570,168 goes towards principal
$ 633,373 goes towards interest
$ 13,409,000 goes towards leases
$ 563,225 goes to Textbook Reimbursements
Proper financial management would keep Debt amounts low so the funds could go towards other things.
Would you have liked this amount to go towards teacher salaries instead?
Link to Debt Report
Source: as of 5/31/2020
Pension Fund Account 0186
Principal of Debt $ 2,925,000
Interest on Debt $ 224,474
$ 3,149,474
Source: as of 5/31/2020
Principal of Debt $ 2,925,000
Interest on Debt $ 224,474
$ 3,149,474
Source: as of 5/31/2020