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Data for Citizens |
Getting Your Questions Answered
There are two ways to compel the City of South Bend or any government entity in Indiana to answer exact questions you may have. If you ask for the information be given to you electronically, there is often no charge. If you want it printed, there is a copier fee. First you may want to call the City Clerk's Office and ask where you can find the information on the City website. If it is not already available, that is when you would want to file an APRA or FOIA.
These are the instructions for the City of South Bend: southbendin.gov/department/legal/public-records-request/ This compels them to give you information at the STATE level and is known as an "APRA" ~ Access to Public Records Act. It is Indiana's "Open Door Law" giving the Citizens rights to see government information. There is a complete handbook about it at https://in.gov/pac/files/pac_handbook.pdf If you want direct customer service, you may call 800-228-6013 where they can send you a printed book and/or answer your questions.
There is a State of Indiana Gateway for financial information at: https://gateway.ifionline.org/default.aspx
For additional financial questions, you may contact the State Board of Accounts at 317-452-9070 as part of the "DLGF" ~ Department of Local Government Finance. Note: When using the Gateway, look at how fresh the data is since we have found some reports have not been updated in a timely manner.
These are the instructions for getting information at the FEDERAL level. If you do not get the information at the State level, you may want to try using a "FOIA" ~ Freedom of Information Act www.foia.gov/how-to.html
If you would like to examine the South Bend City Ordinances
Legislation - Ordinances - Laserfiche WebLink (southbendin.gov)
These are the instructions for the City of South Bend: southbendin.gov/department/legal/public-records-request/ This compels them to give you information at the STATE level and is known as an "APRA" ~ Access to Public Records Act. It is Indiana's "Open Door Law" giving the Citizens rights to see government information. There is a complete handbook about it at https://in.gov/pac/files/pac_handbook.pdf If you want direct customer service, you may call 800-228-6013 where they can send you a printed book and/or answer your questions.
There is a State of Indiana Gateway for financial information at: https://gateway.ifionline.org/default.aspx
For additional financial questions, you may contact the State Board of Accounts at 317-452-9070 as part of the "DLGF" ~ Department of Local Government Finance. Note: When using the Gateway, look at how fresh the data is since we have found some reports have not been updated in a timely manner.
These are the instructions for getting information at the FEDERAL level. If you do not get the information at the State level, you may want to try using a "FOIA" ~ Freedom of Information Act www.foia.gov/how-to.html
If you would like to examine the South Bend City Ordinances
Legislation - Ordinances - Laserfiche WebLink (southbendin.gov)
Budget Tutorial for Citizens

Learn how to better understand the South Bend City Budget and where YOUR tax dollars are being spent. As the City Budget presentations happen we will be posting notes to inform and empower you about the process and this will give you an opportunity to let the City know your opinion.
Overview of Indiana Budget Rules can be found here:
Animal Control Commission
1st Thursday, 6:00 pm, County-City Building 13th floor
Area Board of Zoning Appeals
1st Wednesday, 1:30 pm, County-City Building, 4th floor
Board Secretary, 574.235.9554
Area Planning Commission
3rd Tuesday, 3:30 pm, County-City Building, 4th floor
Board of Public Safety
3rd Wednesday, 9:15 am, County-City Building, 13th floor
Board Secretary, 574.235.9251
Board of Public Works
2nd & 4th Tuesday, 9:30 am, County-City Building, 13th floor
Board Secretary, 574.235.9251
Commission on Economic Development - 574.235.9812
Meets as needed
Commission on Industrial Development - (Last meeting posted was 10/13/15)
Crime Stoppers 574.288.STOP
Downtown South Bend DTSB - 574.282.1110
South Bend Common Council
2nd & 4th Monday
3:00 pm, County-City Building, Conference Rm, 4th floor (Start time varies)
7:00 pm, County-City Building, Council Chambers, 4th floor
(Broadcast Live on Michiana Access TV Channel 99)
District 1: Canneth Lee ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5980
District 2: Ophelia Gooden-Rodgers ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5983
District 3: Sharon McBride, Council President ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5981
District 4: Troy Warner ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5978
District 5: Sherry Bolden-Simpson ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5984
District 6: Sheila Niezgodski ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5986
At-Large: Oliver Davis Jr. ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5979
At-Large: Rachel Tomas-Morgan ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5982
At-Large: Karen L. White ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5985
Common Council ~ [email protected] ~ 574.235.9321
NOTE: You have 4 Council members that represent YOU. Your District person and the 3 At-Large members.
Call or email them with your questions and concerns. They are there to assist and represent YOU.
Other Meetings
MACOG - Michiana Area Council of Governments 574.287.1829 / 574-674-8894
MACOG Policy Board Meeting - 2nd Wednesday, 10 am, 11th Floor County City Building
MACOG Transportation Technology Advisory Committee TTAC, 1st Wednesday, 9am, 11th floor County City Building
MACOG Economic Development District Board - Often in May and November. Listed "as needed". Call for dates.
Minority & Women Business Enterprise Diversity Board
County-City Building, Council Informal Meeting Room 4th floor
Call for meeting times 574.235.9221
Neighborhood Resources Connection - 574.287.0425
Neighborhood Watch
2nd Wednesday of every month, 6:30 pm, SBPD Sample Street
Nuisance Abatement 574.235.5941
Parks & Recreation Board - VPA
3rd Monday of every month, 5:00 pm, Howard Park
219 S. St. Louis Blvd, South Bend, IN
Park Board Secretary, 574-299-4765
Redevelopment Authority - Note: Meets as needed Call for Date
Wednesday, 10:30 am, County-City Building, 13th floor
Mary Brazinsky Sears, Board Secretary, 574.235.9337
Redevelopment Commission
2nd & 4th Thursday, 9:30 am, County-City Building, 13th floor
Board Secretary, 574.235.9337
South Bend Animal Care & Control 574.235.9303
South Bend Gang Violence Intervention 574.472.7300 or 574.440.4107
South Bend Human Rights Commission
3rd Wednesday, 5:30 pm, 319 N. Niles Ave, Ste. 150A
South Bend Community School Corporation
1st & 3rd Monday, 5:30 pm (Broadcast Live WETL 91.7 FM)
Brown Center
737 Beale Street
South Bend, IN 46616-1804
Traffic and Parking 574.235.9201
TRANSPO Board Meeting
3rd Monday, 4pm, 1401 S. Lafayette Blvd, SB 46613
Click here for more Committee Information
Mishawaka Common Council
1st & 3rd Monday, 6:45 pm, City Hall, 1st Floor
County Commissioners
1st & 3rd Tuesday, 10:00 am, County-City Building, Council Chambers, 4th floor
County Council Meeting
2nd Tuesday, 6:00 pm, County-City Building, Council Chambers, 4th floor
County Council Committee Meetings
4th Tuesday, 5:30 pm, County-City Building, Council Chambers, 4th floor
County Park Board
3rd Tuesday of the month
Economic Development Commission (Met 9/1/2017)
Health Improvement Alliance
3rd Friday every other month
Redevelopment Commission (Met 6/13/17 and 9/12/17)
Solid Waste Management District Board
(call for meeting schedule - varies) Next one is 12/4/17
County Agendas and Minutes http://www.stjosephcountyindiana.com/agendacenter
Note: Call for schedule changes
Animal Control Commission
1st Thursday, 6:00 pm, County-City Building 13th floor
Area Board of Zoning Appeals
1st Wednesday, 1:30 pm, County-City Building, 4th floor
Board Secretary, 574.235.9554
Area Planning Commission
3rd Tuesday, 3:30 pm, County-City Building, 4th floor
Board of Public Safety
3rd Wednesday, 9:15 am, County-City Building, 13th floor
Board Secretary, 574.235.9251
Board of Public Works
2nd & 4th Tuesday, 9:30 am, County-City Building, 13th floor
Board Secretary, 574.235.9251
Commission on Economic Development - 574.235.9812
Meets as needed
Commission on Industrial Development - (Last meeting posted was 10/13/15)
Crime Stoppers 574.288.STOP
Downtown South Bend DTSB - 574.282.1110
South Bend Common Council
2nd & 4th Monday
3:00 pm, County-City Building, Conference Rm, 4th floor (Start time varies)
7:00 pm, County-City Building, Council Chambers, 4th floor
(Broadcast Live on Michiana Access TV Channel 99)
District 1: Canneth Lee ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5980
District 2: Ophelia Gooden-Rodgers ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5983
District 3: Sharon McBride, Council President ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5981
District 4: Troy Warner ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5978
District 5: Sherry Bolden-Simpson ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5984
District 6: Sheila Niezgodski ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5986
At-Large: Oliver Davis Jr. ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5979
At-Large: Rachel Tomas-Morgan ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5982
At-Large: Karen L. White ~ [email protected] ~ 574-235-5985
Common Council ~ [email protected] ~ 574.235.9321
NOTE: You have 4 Council members that represent YOU. Your District person and the 3 At-Large members.
Call or email them with your questions and concerns. They are there to assist and represent YOU.
Other Meetings
MACOG - Michiana Area Council of Governments 574.287.1829 / 574-674-8894
MACOG Policy Board Meeting - 2nd Wednesday, 10 am, 11th Floor County City Building
MACOG Transportation Technology Advisory Committee TTAC, 1st Wednesday, 9am, 11th floor County City Building
MACOG Economic Development District Board - Often in May and November. Listed "as needed". Call for dates.
Minority & Women Business Enterprise Diversity Board
County-City Building, Council Informal Meeting Room 4th floor
Call for meeting times 574.235.9221
Neighborhood Resources Connection - 574.287.0425
Neighborhood Watch
2nd Wednesday of every month, 6:30 pm, SBPD Sample Street
Nuisance Abatement 574.235.5941
Parks & Recreation Board - VPA
3rd Monday of every month, 5:00 pm, Howard Park
219 S. St. Louis Blvd, South Bend, IN
Park Board Secretary, 574-299-4765
Redevelopment Authority - Note: Meets as needed Call for Date
Wednesday, 10:30 am, County-City Building, 13th floor
Mary Brazinsky Sears, Board Secretary, 574.235.9337
Redevelopment Commission
2nd & 4th Thursday, 9:30 am, County-City Building, 13th floor
Board Secretary, 574.235.9337
South Bend Animal Care & Control 574.235.9303
South Bend Gang Violence Intervention 574.472.7300 or 574.440.4107
South Bend Human Rights Commission
3rd Wednesday, 5:30 pm, 319 N. Niles Ave, Ste. 150A
South Bend Community School Corporation
1st & 3rd Monday, 5:30 pm (Broadcast Live WETL 91.7 FM)
Brown Center
737 Beale Street
South Bend, IN 46616-1804
Traffic and Parking 574.235.9201
TRANSPO Board Meeting
3rd Monday, 4pm, 1401 S. Lafayette Blvd, SB 46613
Click here for more Committee Information
Mishawaka Common Council
1st & 3rd Monday, 6:45 pm, City Hall, 1st Floor
County Commissioners
1st & 3rd Tuesday, 10:00 am, County-City Building, Council Chambers, 4th floor
County Council Meeting
2nd Tuesday, 6:00 pm, County-City Building, Council Chambers, 4th floor
County Council Committee Meetings
4th Tuesday, 5:30 pm, County-City Building, Council Chambers, 4th floor
County Park Board
3rd Tuesday of the month
Economic Development Commission (Met 9/1/2017)
Health Improvement Alliance
3rd Friday every other month
Redevelopment Commission (Met 6/13/17 and 9/12/17)
Solid Waste Management District Board
(call for meeting schedule - varies) Next one is 12/4/17
County Agendas and Minutes http://www.stjosephcountyindiana.com/agendacenter
Note: Call for schedule changes
Brownfield Pollution Information https://www.in.gov/ifa/brownfields/
Entrepreneur Resources
Financial Education
Performing Arts
Assistance Available in St. Joseph County
Local Food Pantries
Entrepreneur Resources
Financial Education
Performing Arts
Assistance Available in St. Joseph County
Local Food Pantries
NOTE: Some of the areas below are still being filled in by volunteers. Thank you for your patience.
Tax Money Spent
To provide data that can be easily understood in the following areas:
Municipal Budgets
TIF Expenditures
State and Federal Funding
Costs of Problem Areas
Municipal Budgets
TIF Expenditures
State and Federal Funding
Costs of Problem Areas
Quality Of Life
To provide data that can be easily understood in the following areas:
Education Ratings
Crime Ratings
Crime Areas
Environment - Air, Water, Pollution
Housing Statistics
ADA Accessibiltiy
To provide data that can be easily understood in the following areas:
Municipal Buildings
Maps and Information
Municipal Buildings
Maps and Information
Disclaimer: To the best of our abilities we have sourced accurate information directly from the originators. We are not responsible for any changes to the original source or accidental errors. This is a community service provided by volunteers. We are Citizens informing other Citizens.