About.Michiana Observer is here to inform citizens about the area with data. No opinions, just data. Form your own conclusions without bias or political agenda. Facts only.
Established in 2017It became clear data was being omitted or presented with a bias. We are not paid. We are not part of any political party. Like you, we wanted the uncut raw version of what is happening in Michiana.
Our GoalOur goal is to bring you clear, uncensored data you can use to better the Michiana Community and form an accurate viewpoint.
Our Team
Managing Senior PartnerLongtime Michiana Resident with extensive IT Management experience and a dedication to providing accurate and complete data.
Data and Technical AdvisorMichiana Data Scientist with research experience wanting useful data to be available for people to form unbiased opinions about their community.
Retired Newspaper JournalistWriter and Journalist who understands the media of today is often incomplete and not well vetted. Is advising to insure data is balanced and properly sourced.
We're Here for You 24/7We want this data to be available for everyone all the time, not a slice of it on the news or an incomplete report. This is a complete unbiased collection of data for everyone to utilize. It is a public service. - Michiana Observer
"We can't judge those that challenge the status quo merely on their rule breaking, because the rules only exist to maintain the status quo. Instead, we have to work ever harder on seeing, listening and supporting the quiet voices who have something important to say. Perhaps, if we listen a bit harder, we'll be able to do the right thing that much sooner."
~ Seth Godin 10/14/17
"But writing it--writing it is the true disruption. Because the act of saying it, saying it clearly, saying it aloud, this is what galvanizes people and leads to action." ~ Seth Godin 11/2/17
~ Seth Godin 10/14/17
"But writing it--writing it is the true disruption. Because the act of saying it, saying it clearly, saying it aloud, this is what galvanizes people and leads to action." ~ Seth Godin 11/2/17